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W a l i d   K E R K E N I

Project Manager / Product Owner / Digital Marketing Expert

- Profil #Atypique avec plus de 15 ans d’#expérience #professionnelle internationale (Usa, UK, Canada, France, Italie, Belgique, Afrique du sud, Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie,...) dans plusieurs secteurs d'activité ; ce qui a fait de moi un leader,fédérateur, avec un caractère de fonceur & de challenger, tout en étant sociable, méthodique ,sérieux ,ambitieux ,agile, créatif & #positif !

- Formation scolaire & universitaire polyvalente ainsi que plusieurs formations du type Soft Skills…

- Large connaissance du domaine du #WEB, de l’IT & de l’Informatique (Hard & Soft), ainsi que de la #Publicité , du #Marketing (Classique & #Digital) & de la #Communication (#Média & hors média). Projects & Events Management (Culture, Sport,Santé, B2B, B2C…)

- Membre de plusieurs associations (KONEXIO, CJD, ISOC,CONECT, TUNSA, Rotary,…)

As a marketing specialist with over 15 years of #international professional #experience, I have developed a versatile and creative profile that combines IT, digital, and advertising skills. I have successfully managed and executed projects and events in various domains, such as culture, sports, health, #B2B, and #B2C, for my own businesses and for other organizations.

I hold a master's degree in advertising, a bachelor's degree in Digital Marketing, and several certifications, including the BEC and Google Ads. I am passionate about learning new tools and techniques to enhance my marketing performance and deliver value to my clients and partners. I am also a leader, a team player, and a challenger, who enjoys collaborating with diverse and dynamic teams to achieve common goals and objectives.

Member of several International NGO's (KONEXIO, CJD, ISOC,CONECT, TUNSA, Rotary,…)

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